Covid-19 Safety Precautions
Overland Chauffeured Services COVID-19 Safety Protocols
The safety and well-being of our employees and clients is the highest priority at Overland Chauffeured Services. We have adopted a detailed policy to help mitigate exposure to COVID-19 and enhance the overall cleanliness and sanitization of our fleet and workplace. This policy will evolve as conditions and CDC guidelines dictate:

- Any employee not feeling well or running a fever is instructed to stay home and/or seek medical care. We will send an employee home if they appear to be sick or are running a fever
- Employees are instructed to self-monitor for CV19 symptoms and check their temperatures daily
- We routinely do temperature checks on our employees in the workplace
- Employees are instructed to follow all CDC guidelines to help minimize exposure to COVID-19 and referred to the CDC Website
- All employees will frequently wash their hands and use sanitizer throughout their work shift
- Employees will practice physical distancing as able and/or wear masks in the workplace
(in addition to all the above)
- Chauffeurs will practice CDC recommended physical distancing at all times when possible
- Chauffeurs will wear a face mask and gloves, especially when handling luggage
- Chauffeurs will use hand sanitizer and/or wash hands in between jobs as able
- Chauffeurs will ask clients’ permission before handling their luggage with gloves and will wipe down handles and straps before handing off to clients with sanitizing wipes or cleaner

- Vehicles will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after every job including all high touch point areas. Disinfectant sprays and cleaners are also used regularly in the field.
- Hand sanitizer and wipes will be available to clients and chauffeurs in the vehicle
- Vehicles are regularly treated with Tersano-created Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO), a powerful chemical-free substance that eliminates germs, odors, stains, mold and mildew. SAO quickly and effectively kills the majority of viruses and bacteria. SAO is more powerful than bleach
- Vehicles are also regularly treated with an ozone generator to deodorize, disinfect, kill or remove airborne particles in indoor environments
- Weather permitting, we will routinely crack open vehicle windows to allow fresh air to circulate
- Client amenities have been removed from the passenger areas, but chauffeurs will offer clients bottled water individually from a smaller cooler with a napkin
- On request, protective polycarbonate health barriers are available for use in sedans and SUV’s with advance notice for extra reassurance
- We will clean and sanitize all surfaces in the workplace on a regular basis
- Employee staffing will be such to optimize the ability to physically distance comfortably
- Disinfectant spray and cleaners will be used consistently
- Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes and disinfectant cleaners will be available to all employees
- Cleaning and sanitizing will be implemented with CDC approved disinfectants or our Tersanocreated Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO), a powerful, chemical-free treatment used in schools, hospitals, hotels and transit operations.
- We will periodically treat our office area with an ozone generator

These protocols will be updated as CDC guidelines and local orders dictate. If you have questions, please reach out directly to:
Diane Forgy, President/CEO
Overland Chauffeured Services
2017 W. 104th Street
Leawood, KS 66206
Phone: 913-381-3504 x1061